Whether you’re at college or university, your education is obviously a pretty major part of your life. It should, by all means, be one of your top priorities, but it is also important to make sure your physical and mental wellbeing is in check. Paying attention to your general well being alongside your studies will not only help you feel more like yourself, but it will also actively improve your concentration and memory.

Finding and maintaining a balance between your education and the rest of your life can be difficult. It can feel at times like you have 100 things to do all at once, so you might ask, how could I possibly fit a workout in?

Here are 5 top tips to help you incorporate exercise into your daily routine and find your overall day more manageable.


Training solo can be lonely and boring, not to mention the sense of intimation that can come from going on the gym floor alone. Training with a friend avoids these stresses  and give you an external piece of motivation. Need that extra rep on a difficult weight? Your friend is there to push you through it. Need a laugh after a particularly sweaty sprint on the treadmill? They’ve got you, ready to pat your very moist back.

With a buddy, you can also set a little friendly competition. Wage some bets like the loser buys Starbucks, set incentive and expectation, and have fun doing it. Encouraging each other even when it gets hard, will help you both remain accountable to your training and ultimately, lead you toward well earned results.


Your work schedule can be hectic, we’ve been there, we get that. With 5+ hours of study every single day, it can be hard to find the time in your day to make the trip to the gym. But, it’s important to factor in your own mental wellbeing in order to avoid falling into the mindless routine of desk work. For most, endless hours spent staring at a white board or written questions, can be exhausting and stressful, and since it's day in day out, it can feel like there's no escape. A workout gives you the opportunity to break out of that routine and refresh your mind.

Consider what a good daily schedule looks like to you. It certainly isn’t stuck at a desk all day, desperately cramming answers in. Factor in movement and recovery. A good schedule might look like…

Activity Time
Maths 9-11
High intensity training (e.g. BURN or HIIT) 11:15-12:15
Lunch 12:20-13
English 13:15-15:15
Revision 15:30-16:30
Wind down (e.g. Yoga or Tai Chi) 17-17:45

Within this schedule, we have two different workouts in 1 day. These workouts are spaced out in such a way so as to break up a day of studying while still leaving enough time to relax however you wish. So get the Netflix on! (though, little heads up, you could be catching up on your favourite shows in the gym while you exercise -bonus!)


When signing up to a gym, so many want to dive straight in and forget the importance of a set goal. But, just like in your studies, if you train mindlessly, you’re going to get nowhere. Think about that famous saying: fail to plan, plan to fail. So before you jump in and get your hands on all our fancy high tech gear and free weights find and plan out what you wish to achieve.

Want to bulk up? It would be good to try a high calorie diet and start on weights (be careful not to drop the heavy ones!) Want to tone up before prom? Get started on one of our high calorie burning classes such as Les Mills GRIT or RPM. If you need a bit of guidance, our expert personal trainers are on hand to give you anything you need to help you smash your goals.


This falls along the same lines as the previous point since your diet will depend on and tie into what you want to achieve out of your workouts. Ask any avid gym go-er what the most important thing is about a gym success and 9/10 of them will at least mention diet. It’s pretty major. 

Ideally, you'll start to see some changes a couple days into a new eating and training programme that suits you, but this isn't always the reality. It is more often the case that your body will need time to adjust, to recognise and adapt to what it is eating. A new diet and routine, especially a consistent one, can be more draining than even you might realise and since food is your fuel, it's really important to make sure you're eating right.

If you don’t eat right, if you miss meals in an attempt to lose weight fast, your body can become fatigued and you won’t get the results you’re after. In fact, you could actively disrupt your healthy metabolism which can set you back. To avoid the strife, keep on top of a meal plan catered to your personal needs and wants, and if you need some suggestions check out our fitness friendly food suggestions.


You’ve started at the gym, you’re working hard. You're starting to realise results are good, great even, so great that you might miss a session, or maybe two, because everything is going to plan. But let’s not fall off the treadmill just yet.

Falling out of your training routine is super common, but it can set you back more than you expect. Even after a couple of really good sessions, your body and workout mentality can be set swiftly back to square one. If you’re not consistent with your training, your body can go into something called atrophy. This is where the muscle will waste away and you begin to lose mass. Restarting at this point can seem even harder because not only is there a new physical barrier but there can also be a sense of guilt. 

But not to worry! Everybody has a point were they start to fall, the main thing is that you're ready to get back up. Stick at it even when the going gets tough, and if you miss a session (which happens on occasion) there's no shame, take in your stride and get back when you're ready.

Hopefully, these 5 tips things have helped you gain a better understanding on how you can still have a gym life during your time of education. If you keep in check with your physical and mental health now, you will only better your performance in the classroom and beyond. Becoming the better YOU you are after.


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