Maximising your gym time between studying

Between lectures, study sessions, revision and exams, it can be difficult to balance a busy academic and social schedule whilst finding the time to exercise too.

But remember, fitness is so important, especially for students, and here’s why:

1) Exercise helps reduce stress. Our body releases adrenaline and cortisol when we are stressed, which triggers the ‘fight or flight’ response. This causes a raise in our heart rate and creates tension on our body. Exercising can reduce these hormone levels, keeping your stress levels in check, which can ultimately lead to better self management of coursework, exams and deadlines.

2) Better quality of sleep. Exercise can help you drift off faster and improve your sleep quality, which is vital for memory retention, focus and overall mental well-being.

3) Boosted mental health. Feel-good chemicals, such as endorphins and dopamine are released in the brain during exercise, which act as ‘mood elevators’. This can help manage the pressures of student life effectively!

4) Help maintain a healthy weight. Student weight gain isn’t uncommon due to exposure to unhealthy food choices and irregular eating habits. By including regular workouts into your routine, you can maintain a healthy weight and keep potential health issues in check.


Let’s look at how...
Squeeze in a morning workout!

Opting for an early morning workout session sets a positive and energetic tone for the day, ensuring you stay alert during lessons.

Tip - getting your gym wear out the night before will streamline your morning routine. It acts as a visual reminder which will increase the chances of you sticking to your exercise plan!

Squeeze in an express class between classes! 

If you find yourself with some free time between classes, instead of just scrolling through your phone or grabbing a coffee, why not head over to the gym? It’s a productive way to fill that gap and help you keep on track to smashing those fitness goals!

Bonus info - exercise can enhance your concentration because of the extra blood flow to the brain, so you will return to your next class feeling re-energised and ready to focus!

Find a workout buddy!

Working out with a friend can help you stay motivated and give you a sense of accountability - it’s much harder to cancel when you know someone is counting on you to turn up!

Working out with a buddy increases your workout time and intensity by 200% - Refer them here and if they join you will both get a free £10 voucher, win! 

It makes exercise more enjoyable as you can motivate, spot and push each other, all whilst making it fun! You can also recover together, keeping the social aspect of working out with a buddy going that little bit longer by grabbing a protein shake after exercising, taking a dip in the jacuzzi, chilling in the sauna and steam room or even just grabbing a coffee afterwards.

Add it to your study schedule! 

Including a workout session into your schedule gives you a clear visual on how it fits into your day. Sometimes seeing how it looks in a plan makes it seem less daunting and more achievable. Maintaining physical fitness along with a hectic study schedule can seem like a challenge, but try these tips, you’ve got this!

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