Hyrox Workouts: Prepare Your Hyrox Training Program

Two women using the ski erg machine during they Hyrox training programme.

Hyrox workouts are a relatively new style of fitness program that are dominating the fitness world. These new workouts combine strength and endurance training to create a fitness regime that’ll challenge your body while preparing for a Hyrox event. 

For Hyrox event preparation, you’ll need a uniquely structured Hyrox training programme that’ll guarantee to maximise your performance whilst helping you achieve your fitness goals. 

Wanting to get ready for Hyrox? We’ll explore the essential must-haves that’ll make up a successful Hyrox training program to ensure you are up for the challenge when you face it. These workouts are designed to build strength and stamina which makes them perfect for anyone and their level of fitness.

Let’s dive in!

Hyrox Workout List - Get Station Ready

Having a variety of workout stations in your fitness circuit is crucial when training for a Hyrox event. This makes sure that all your muscle groups are being targeted and that one muscle group isn’t being favoured over another. Check out our list of Hyrox exercises to try and why they are beneficial:




Ski Erg 

This is a cardio workout station that mimics cross-country skiing. It consists of a repetitive movement of holding two handlebars and pulling in a downward motion.

The Ski Erg is seen as a low-impact workout for the lower body whilst working upper muscles, core, and posture. It is great for those who may suffer from lower body injuries or are recovering from one..

Sled Push

The sled push is a full-body exercise. It involves pushing a weighted sled forward with the correct posture; using bent knees and a steep walking angle for the leverage you’ll need.

It targets both the upper and lower body, strengthening a range of muscles. Whilst this can be a beginner-friendly exercise, it can be altered to light or heavy weight which can be increased over time as your body adjusts. 

Sled Pull

A strength-based exercise which will require you to pull a weighted sled by either walking forward or backwards. Essentially, the opposite of the Sled Push.

An exercise known for being versatile in the muscles it targets, as well as ability to improve physical and mental fortitude. As an additional benefit, it can be used in recovery for certain injuries. 

Burpee Broad Jumps

This effective full-body exercise works in the same way as a traditional burpee that we all know and love (or hate), except you will jump forward at the last move, instead of up. 

Excellent for working the muscles and joints simultaneously while pushing your power and agility to the limit.


The rowing station is a great station for building up your resistance, strength and power by simulating the rowing of a boat.

The repetitive movements of rowing are believed to reduce stress and anxiety, which is ideal for developing your mental resilience whilst also improving cardiovascular health and targeting arm muscles. 

Farmers Carry 

The Farmers Carry is a mainstay in almost all Hyrox events. This exercise requires competitors to pick up a weight in each hand and walk for a defined distance. 

Mainly focuses on building grip strength however, it can also be a posture-improving move whilst bettering coordination. 

Sandbag Lunges

During this exercise, you can expect to carry a sandbag at the back of your neck with both shoulders supporting, whilst lunging forward for 100m.

Your core strength will be put to the test and continuously improved with this one move. This is also an effective exercise for improving your balance and core strength.

Wall Balls

Wall balls consist of throwing a weighted ball against a wall while squatting and catching it again. 

Targets multiple muscle groups such as glutes, shoulders, biceps and more. Boosting functional coordination and confidence as you increase the weight.

By incorporating this Hyrox workout list to your routine, you can guarantee to feel prepared for the competition. Using workout routines designed for Hyrox are a great way to prepare yourself for whatever Hyrox can throw at you.

The Importance of Hyrox Running Training 

Cardiovascular fitness plays a huge role in Hyrox training, and it allows participants to gauge their limitations and abilities before entering. The event consists of running intervals too and doesn’t just have stations that focus on muscular performance. As with all training, it is vital to train for the running segments safely and prepare your body in advance by training regularly.

Running Workouts for Hyrox Training 


Running in intervals is a core, foundational part of any Hyrox training program, and you should incorporate intervals of running into your workout to improve speed and stamina. 

Endurance Runs 

An endurance run involves running continuously for a defined distance or time at a steady pace. This type of training helps you to build stamina through a constant level of intensity. This will, over time, help you improve your performance and eventually achieve longer distances. 

Hill Repeats 

It’s all in the name. Hill repeats consist of running up and down a hill for a set number of times. The idea is to run up the hill at a high-intensity level, pushing your stamina and leg power to their limits, followed by an easy jog down hill to act as a ‘cool down’ or a ‘recovery’ period.

Fartlek Training 

This varied running exercise will include running that alternates between high and low-intensity levels. E.g. a short interval sprinting, followed by a slow jog. The variation is there to improve not just your stamina, but your speed, while also keeping things stimulating and fun.

Tips for Improving Your Running Performance 

Now that you have an understanding of just how important running is in the Hyrox world, it’s also crucial to understand the ways in which you can improve to excel in your training. It’s no surprise that you can’t exactly ‘bank’ your exercise progress. It takes commitment, consistency, and discipline. Here are some top tips for your Hyrox running training:

  • Consistency 

  • Strength Training

  • Speed Workout Intervals 

  • Recovery 

  • Balanced Diet and Hydration 

  • Progress and Performance Monitoring

Acing Your Hyrox Running Workout Regime

The key to successfully integrating running workouts into your Hyrox training program is balance. Your approach should be balanced between both endurance and speed to ensure you are incorporating exercises to improve both safely, and at a pace that suits you.

As mentioned above, the Hyrox competition is varied with stations, alternating between strength, running, and endurance so it’s crucial that your workouts mirror this. By mimicking the competition stations, you can ensure your body and mind will be ready for the big day. 

Now, let’s talk about recovery. Recovery is just as essential as the high-intensity workouts that you’re used to. Rest and recovery days must be integrated into your personal Hyrox workout list. Even better, you should include ‘active’ recovery days which essentially involve low-intensity movement that stretch and relax the muscles. Yoga and stretching are two recovery sessions guaranteed to avoid injury and burnout - not to mention the mental health benefits that are linked to them.

Mistakes to Avoid in Hyrox Running Workouts 

  • Skipping warm-ups and cool-downs 

Your muscles need dedicated time to prepare for workouts, especially high-intensity ones. Equally, they need attention after a workout to avoid muscle aches, injuries, and spasms. 

  • Overtraining/Burnout 

It’s important to know your limits. Pushing yourself is an excellent discipline to master, however, it’s essential you learn when your body needs rest or when to switch up the weights. Overtraining can lead to fatigue and low performance and, in some cases, injury. 

  • Technique 

Everyone has the ability to run, but not everyone masters the technique. As part of your Hyrox training program, take the time to focus on technique to boost your performance and lower the risk of injury. This includes speed, posture, footing, and footwear. 

  • Varied Routine 

Switching up your workout is a top tip in keeping things interesting, and more fulfilling as you train. Since the Hyrox competition keeps things varied at such a fast-pace, you should incorporate this into your personal routine for maximum preparation. 

Participants should consult a healthcare professional before starting a new workout routine to help you exercise safely and avoid injury. 

Train for Hyrox With Village Health & Wellness Club

As an official Hyrox Gym Partner, Village Gym holds rights to Hyrox training classes and sessions, allowing you to elevate your training and take it to the next level. Now that you have an understanding of what the Hyrox training program entails, you can kickstart your journey to fitness today by finding a Village Gym near you. Feel free to familiarise yourself with our equipment and what we offer at our gyms here as you prepare. Village Gym is here to help you transform your fitness by offering a range of locations, equipment, memberships, classes and more to ensure you achieve your goals with a helping hand. 

You can sign up for our Gym Memberships, and find the one that works for you. Get ready to take on a challenge like never before and push yourself to the limit. 

Frequently Asked Questions: Hyrox Workouts Preparation 

What is the best way to start a Hyrox training program? 

The process for beginners looking to join the Hyrox training program can be intimidating, but when you master the plan that works for you, you will be on the road to success. Here are some tips for beginners: 

Set Goals: Think carefully about what you want to achieve, when you want to achieve it, and why. Get specific about your purpose to stay disciplined. 

Start Basic: It’s not smart to jump into the deep end when you don’t know how to swim. Start with basic exercises whilst still varying between strength, cardio, and running. For example, you could alternate between squats, push-ups, rowing, and running for short intervals until you build stamina to increase.

Increase Intensity: As you progress, you want to start introducing Hyrox workouts into your routine to give you a taste of what’s to come. This includes wall balls, burpee broad jumps, and sled pulls. 

Consistency: Consistency really is key. Stick to a disciplined routine that works for you and your body, and rotate between a variation of workouts. 

How Often Should I Train for Hyrox? 

It’s often recommended to train 4-5 times per week, ensuring that this is a varied routine including strengthening, cardio, and other functional exercises. It is also important to alternate between high and low-intensity workouts as well as rest and recovery days to avoid injury. 

Can I Do Hyrox Workouts at Home?

Home Workouts: Absolutely! You can train at home with weighted exercises and cardio workouts. Running intervals that mimic Hyrox training can also be done anytime, anywhere. 

Equipment: Equipment such as kettlebells, weighted balls, and resistance bands are great to invest in whilst you train. 


How Do I Track My Progress?

Fitness apps are a fast and efficient way of keeping track of and monitoring progress on the go. Alternatively, keeping a physical training diary can also keep you on track. It is whatever works for you and holds you accountable! 


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