As a partner of Village Health & Wellness Clubs, your complimentary membership is subject to your agreement to create a minimum of 2 pieces of content per month, comprising:
In-club photos/videos tagging villagegym and hashtagging #VillageLife
Two pieces of content, of your choice from the brief given in the Village Ambassador monthly hit list
You will be asked to create content in line with the Village Creative team's strategy, in order to ensure we are maximising opportunities showcase our clubs across social media channels. The team will ask you to create content surrounding particular facilities, classes or to record short educational clips to engage and encourage our fans.
We will always aim to give at least one week's notice of invitations to Ambassador shoots or events.
Complimentary membership operates on a rolling month-to-month basis.
Multi-club use includes all 33 clubs throughout the UK
Free towel hire consists of one towel per visit, which can be collected from the leisure reception when you swipe in and must be returned on leaving
Advanced booking offers 10 days prior booking on all fitness classes, via the app, online Member's Area or leisure reception. Normal class booking rules apply.
Complimentary membership applies only to the individual and does not include free entry or complimentary membership for friends or guests.
Posts created mentioning Village Gym must tag @villagegym and include the relevant hashtags & club locations as agreed with the Village Gym marketing team.
Posts must be positive, and not position the club in a negative light.
We have selected our Instagram partners based on their professionalism and social media skills, so we expect photographs and videos to be of the same quality of the rest of your feed.
Management reserve the right to revoke complimentary membership if the terms are not met, or the business circumstances no longer require partner collaborations on social media.
Should you wish to no longer support Village Gym as an ambassador, you are welcome to revert to your original paid membership, or cancel the agreement and your free use of our clubs.
Ambassadors to fail to post content for a period of 2 weeks will be contacted by our social media marketing team to asses whether the partnership should continue.
Ambassadors who fail to post or provide content for a period of 4 weeks will have their complimentary membership terminated, to allow other potential brand partners the opportunity to work with us.
To qualify for commission, the member you have referred must still be an active member and not have cancelled their membership 30 days after joining.
Your referred member must not have previously been a member of Village Health & Wellness Clubs, or be known to the team in club, having had a tour or submitted an enquiry about joining.
Your commission will be paid via PayPal, after the 30 day period. No cash payments will be made.
If your referral is ineligible for commission, we'll contact you to explain why.
If any of your fans decide to join in person, in club, rather than online via your affiliate link, commission doesn't apply.
Management reserve the right to remove any ambassadors from the platform with immediate effect if there are signs of abuse or actions that we deem inappropriate for our brand.