Female 4 Week Workout Plan (1)

Village Gym’s 4 Week Workout Plan For Weight Loss (Female)

Getting started on a weight loss journey is never an easy thing to do which is why at Village Gym we’ve created a 4 week workout plan for weight loss in females. It’s designed to provide the ladies with everything they need to start a weight loss journey or to get back into shape for regular workouts after a hiatus.

We’ve decided to focus on the most important aspects to consider when beginning your journey to make this guide as comprehensive as can be. This plan will focus on three main areas of bodily health:

  • Cardio fitness

  • Muscular Endurance

  • Muscular Strength

Focusing on these three foundations will help you improve your overall health and wellbeing to get you ready for wherever your fitness journey decides to take you.

→ Find out if we have a gym near you, or book a tour at your local Village Health and Wellness Club to check our cutting edge gym equipment, pool, wellness facilities and more!

An Overview Of Our Weight Loss Gym Routine For Females

  1. Day One; Full-Body Strength Training

  2. Day Two; Cardio Interval Training

  3. Day Three; Rest Day

  4. Day Four; High Intensity Interval Training

  5. Day Five; Active Recovery Day

  6. Day Six; Lower Body Strength Training

  7. Day Seven; Rest Day

  8. Weekly Plan

Continue reading for a more expansive look at what each day entails so that you may forge a workout plan that works for you.

→ Do you know how often you should change your workout plan?

1. Day One; Full-Body Strength Training

Day one is designed to help you build strength across the different muscle groups you’ll use in everyday life and for more specific or intense workouts you may decide to take on in the future. It has been carefully structured to ensure that every muscle of all the major groups receives attention and time dedicated to its improvement.

Gym Routine for Day One:

Begin with a warm up of light cardio for 5 to 10 minutes. This can consist of light jogging, quick walking, or jogging on the spot. This is important as it’ll warm up your muscles and get them ready for the workout. Having warmed up muscles helps prevent injuries.

Then perform the following exercises;


Repetitions (per set)






Take a 10-20 second break between each set.




Take a 30 second break between each set.

Bent-over Dumbbell Rows



Take a 10-20 second break between each set.




Take a 30 second break between each set.




Hold a plank for 30 seconds to 1 minute.


At the end of your workout, cool down with around 5 minutes of targeted stretching:

  • Lunge stretches (hold for 10 seconds each leg, perform 3 times per leg)

  • Hamstring stretch (hold for 10 seconds each leg, perform 3 times per leg)

  • Tricep stretch (hold for 10 seconds, perform 3 times each arm)

  • Standing calf stretch (hold for 10 seconds each leg, perform 3 times per leg)

  • Shoulder stretch (hold for 10 seconds, perform 4 times; 2 per arm)

2. Day Two; Cardio Interval Training

For day two we’ll focus on improving your cardio. Begin by warming up using dynamic stretches for around 5 to 10 minutes. This can be:

  • Arm circles (both forwards and backwards) (1-2 minutes each arm)

  • Leg swings (forwards, backwards, and out to each side) (1-2 minutes each leg)

  • Body swings/twists (swinging upper body around to each side keeping feet flat on the floor) (1-2 minutes).

Dynamic stretching is better suited for cardio days to improve overall joint flexibility and tendon strength.

→ Discover the 10 best glute exercises to shape and strengthen your bum.

After you’ve completed your warm up, perform the following routine:

Gym Routine for Day Two: 




Jumping Jacks

1 minute

High intensity.


1 minute

Low Intensity.


1 minute

High Intensity.


1 minute

Low Intensity.


10 seconds.

As fast as you can go.


20 seconds.

Low Intensity.


10 seconds.

As fast as you can go.


20 Seconds

Low Intensity.

This totals 5 minutes of exercise, or one set. Perform a minimum of 4 sets, totalling 20 minutes of cardio. Do not exceed 6 sets, totalling 30 minutes of cardio.

To cool down you want to do around 5-10 minutes of walking and some static stretching, such as:

  • Lunge stretches (hold for 10 seconds each leg, perform 3 times per leg)

  • Hamstring stretch (hold for 10 seconds each leg, perform 3 times per leg)

  • Standing calf stretch (hold for 10 seconds each leg, perform 3 times per leg)

→ Find out how to tone your inner thighs with inner thigh workouts.

3. Day Three; Rest Day

One the third day you’ll want to rest your body to ensure that it can heal for the following exercise routines that are to follow later in the week. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be mildly active, it just means you’ll need to exclude any high intensity workouts.

For instance, tai chi, yoga, or going for a longer-than-usual walk in the park are great ways to remain passively active during a rest day.


4. Day Four; High Insensity Interval Training 

One the fourth day, your routine will focus on high intensity interval training (or HIIT for short). This day is designed with high intensity exercises performed over a shorter period of time than the other days; which is great for improving your bodily resilience. This day of the training plan is also ideal for burning calories but will likely be one of the more difficult days of the weekly routine.

→ See our best core exercises for women.

Gym Routine for Day Four: 

Begin by warming up with light cardio for 5 to 10 minutes. This can be a light jog on a treadmill or on the spot, for example. Then do;





30 seconds

Rest for 30 seconds. Back should be kept as straight as possible, to avoid sagging or arching.

Jump Squats

30 seconds

Rest for 30 seconds. Squats should be fully extended/contracted.

Mountain Climbers

30 seconds

Rest for 30 seconds. In full plank position.

Shuttle Runs

30 seconds

Rest for 30 seconds. Shuttle runs should be full speed.

High Knee Ups

30 seconds

Rest for 30 seconds. Knees should be brought up between the waist and chest.

The above constitutes one set. You should aim for a minimum of 2 sets and a maximum of 3 sets for week one.

Cool down with 5 minutes of static stretching similar to day two.


 5. Day Five; Active Recovery Day

This is a day that falls somewhere between a workout day and a rest day; you aren’t working out to your full capacity but equally you won’t be resting. The aim of this day is to allow some degree of rest while still improving or maintaining your overall level of fitness.

For an active recovery day you’ll want to spend a minimum of 30 minutes and maximum of 45 minutes doing low-impact and low-intensity exercise. This could be;

  • Swimming

  • Short and easy cycle route

  • A long walk (minimum of 1 mile)

The aim is to keep it fairly easy to accomplish and not tire yourself out too much.

→ Learn the quietest times to visit the gym, based on data.

 6. Day Six; Lower Body Strength Training

For your sixth day, you’ll want to focus on muscular exercises again. As you began the week by doing a full body strength workout, by the end of the week your muscles will have repaired themselves and will be ready for another workout.

It is critical that you space muscular training days out appropriately to ensure your muscles have enough time to recover. 

Gym Routine for Day Six:

Your warm up will consist of light cardio again for around 5 to 10 minutes; which can be light jogging or walking depending on your fitness level. Then;


Repetitions (per set)






Alternate your legs as you lunge (20 in total). Rest for around 10-20 seconds between sets.




Use dumbbells with a moderate weight for you (or a barbell). Rest for 10-20 seconds between sets.

Glute Bridges



Rest for 10-20 seconds between sets.

Leg Curls



Using the appropriate gym machine or resistance bands. Rest for 10-20 seconds between each set.

For cooling down you’ll want to do 5-10 minutes of static stretching.


7. Day Seven; Complete Rest Day

On the last day you’ll want a complete rest for your body which (you’ll be glad to hear) should involve as little activity as possible. The complete rest day is designed to let you recharge your batteries and your mental fortitude for your next week of training.

Weekly Plan

After your first week of training, you’ll be tired but you’ll feel accomplished. But doing the same workout every week without varying the difficulty isn’t recommended. Doing the same workout without tweaking it to your improving fitness level will result in you plateauing and maintaining your current fitness level, rather than consistently improving.

As a result, you should follow this for your next 3 weeks of training after your initial break in week;

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4 (final week)

Day 1; Add +2 repetitions to every stage.

Day 1; Add +2 repetitions to every stage.

Day 1; Add +2 repetitions to every stage.

Day 2; do not change.

Day 2; do not change.

Day 2; Add 1 set.

Day 4; reduce rest time to 20 seconds.

Day 4; reduce rest time to 15 seconds.

Day 4; do not change.

Day 6; reduce rest time by 5 seconds.

Day 6; Add +2 repetitions per exercise.

Day 6; Add +2 repetitions per exercise.

Lose That Weight Like A Pro

Working on your weight loss routine at home is certainly doable for some, and preferable for others, but nothing beats having professionals and their expert guidance available to you.

Village Gym has created the ideal environment to conduct your weight loss routine your way. From expert personal trainers to assist you in reaching your goals to state-of-the-art machines, you won’t find a better equipped gym for losing some weight.

For those wanting to continue their fitness journey after losing weight - or for those who want to lose weight using our excellent facilities - you can browse our different membership options and find your closest Village Gym with ease. We’re more than happy to give you a tour of our facilities and showcase what we have to offer.

Discover 17 crucial questions to ask your personal trainer.

FAQs About Our 4 Week Weight Loss Gym Routine For Women

How Much Weight Can You Lose In 4 Weeks With Exercise? 

While there is no way to guarantee how much weight you’ll lose, you can expect to lose up to 0.5 - 1kg per week with routine exercise. The intensity of the workout, your eating habits, and your metabolism will all play a big role in weight loss.

What Burns The Most Fat At The Gym?

There’s no ‘golden’ exercise that will help you burn fat at the gym which is why a holistic approach to working out should be adopted. However, exercises that work the full body tend to help burn fat quicker as they use various muscle groups in the body.

Is It Better To Go To The Gym In The Morning or Evening For Fat Loss?

For women, working out in the morning is advised, as this can lead to improved blood pressure for the rest of the day (when compared to late-day training). For strength training, it was found that evening training tends to be the better time of day for women.

Should You Workout On An Empty Stomach?

No, it is not advised to workout on a completely empty stomach. Having a light snack or meal before a workout is strongly advised to give you the energy needed to recover appropriately after a workout.


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