HYROX SIM at Village Gym

HYROX is the hottest new trend on the fitness scene right now, and has fast become one of the biggest sporting names in the world. Sure, it looks extreme. Well, it is extreme. But it's designed for fitness lovers of all levels, so don't be daunted by what you've seen on the 'gram!

Let's take a look at the low down...

What is the HYROX SIM race? 
The official HYROX race consists of 8 gruelling “functional” exercise stations, with a 500m run thrown in between each section. The stations include 1000m on the ski erg, a 40m sled pull, 40m sled push, a 1000m row, 100m sandbag lunges, 80m burpee broad jumps, 200m farmer’s carry and 75 wall balls. 

Aim to complete within the fastest time possible!

How is HYROX different from CrossFit? 
Both Hyrox and CrossFit are both workouts that pack some seriously high intensity. Hyrox features a lot more running (a 1k run in between each of the 8 elements), which let’s face it, anyone can do, no matter how slow you go.

CrossFit workouts involve more advanced moves that require a little more practice to perfect. Think, walking handstands, push-ups on the gymnastic ring and double unders rope jumping. There’s been a surge in CrossFit gyms cropping up, specifically designed for CrossFit enthusiasts, featuring more specific bits of kit. Whereas, you can train for Hyrox at your local gym, or even better, an official Hyrox Training Club like ours. 

Competition wise, Hyrox events always follow the same format. CrossFit, you’ll need to master several movements beforehand, as you won’t know exactly which ones you’ll be required to nail until a few hours before the event.

What happens in a HYROX SIM? 
If you’re keen to tackle our HYROX SIM, you can enter solo, or tag team it with your bestie in the Doubles section. Save your spot online here

A few weeks before the date, we’ll email you your official start time (keeping things moving along nicely if we control the flow!)

On the day, we’ll ask that you arrive in good time to warm up, ready for your start time. You’ll be assigned a marshall who will follow you through the race, checking your tekkers in line with the rule book and recording your completion time. 

Afterwards, you’ll no doubt be ready for a wind down, so feel free to hit the whirlpool or take a cool swim to soothe those muscles!

How long do I need to train for the HYROX SIM? 
If you’re already reasonably fit, training three times per week for 4 weeks should get you into good stead for the race. Though how much you want to win will determine how hard you go at it on the training! 

Most people train for the main HYROX events, for up to 2 months beforehand, to ensure they are at their peak performance when it comes to strength and endurance. 

First timer? Don’t come to win, just have a go! 

How long does HYROX take to complete?

The best of the best often complete the race in under an hour, though consider your race, an opportunity to beat your personal best. There's no set time you're given to finish, just complete the course as fast as you can. 

The average race times are 1h 35m for the men and 1h 38m for the women. But remember... the 'average' HYROX contender tends to be way more physically fit than the average person!

What are the 8 VILLAGE X HYROX SIM exercises? 

You’ll start with a 500m run, with additional runs in between each of the following elements:

  • 1000m ski
  • 40m sled push
  • 40m sled pull
  • 80m burpee broad jumps
  • 1000m row
  • 200m farmer’s carry
  • 100m sandbag lunges
  • 100 dumbbell thrusters

Can you do HYROX without any previous training? 
You could give it a good crack, though we wouldn’t recommend it. Even the best athletes would feel the strain heading into a HYROX race with no prep. 

Get involved in HYROX classes at your local Village Health & Wellness Club, to develop in the key areas you’ll need to tackle the race. 

Combine regular classes with stints on the gym floor to get yourself comfortable with the kit, such as the ski erg, sleds and rowers.

How much does it cost to enter the VILLAGE X HYROX SIM? 
For members, no charge. For non-members, the fee is £25 per individual entry or £40 per double. Stick around for a while afterwards and enjoy the gym, have a swim… if you love us enough to become a member, we’ll knock the entry fee off your first month’s membership. 

What would I win?
Other than the kudos of being crowned HYROX SIM champ, every individual male, female and double will bag themselves a 6 month Village Gym membership (1st place), a 4 month membership (2nd place) or a 2 month membership (3rd place). 

When are the VILLAGE X HYROX SIM events?
Clear your schedule for 10th November 2024 at Village Gym Ashton, Manchester. 11th January 2025 in Solihull, Birmingham and 15th Feb 2025 in London, Watford. Full details here

Is HYROX good for weight loss? 
Any form of exercise is great for weight loss, providing you’re burning excess energy. HYROX classes are designed to push your strength and endurance levels to the max, so they work as a great calorie-torching tool if weight loss is on your radar. 

What about strength?
If you train hard, you'll smash your strength goals and your HYROX prep in one hit. Training for the event involves a lot of lifting, working on upper body strength and focussing on building lean muscle. So, signing yourself up for HYROX is a sure fire way to give your strength a boost. 

What do you wear to HYROX? 
Hey, it’s no fashion show. Prepare to be hot, sweating and say ‘gym hair, don’t care!’ We recommend wearing light, breathable fabric, designed to wick sweat away from the body, to keep you cool and comfortable. 

Don’t rock up in brand new trainers unless you have tested them out - you’ll be in enough pain to want to throw blisters into the mix! 

Ladies, we recommend bringing hair ties or sweat bands to keep those locks from running loose.

How do I register for the VILLAGE X HYROX SIM?
Right here. Say hello, and if you’re not a member, one of our team will give you a call to take your payment. Then it’s time to dust off those trainers, get your training started and we’ll see you there…


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