Hyrox: The Rules

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or brand new to the world of Hyrox, understanding the rules is essential for a safe and successful competition experience. We've broken down everything you need to know regarding the Hyrox rules, so that you can crack on with your training preparation, knowing what you'll need to master. 

Understanding the Hyrox Rules

Hyrox competitions aim to challenge your speed, strength, and endurance. The rules are designed to keep everyone safe and to allow for a fair and objective assessment of all competitors’ performance - regardless of individual fitness level. 

The Hyrox event consists of eight rounds, where competitors will each run 1km, followed by a functional workout. The purpose of this combination is to test your overall physical fitness ability.

One of the most basic, yet fundamentally crucial Hyrox rules is to maintain a correct and proper form. Not only does this help to avoid injuries when carrying out exercises it also makes for fairer judging - it is a competition after all! The ‘rules of Hyrox’ emphasise completing each station exactly as instructed and in the order that’s given.

In addition to basic guidelines, each exercise will have its own set of specified rules to follow. By understanding these rules and guidelines, you can ensure a safe and efficient experience at the event. You can learn more about specific functional exercise rules in the Hyrox Rules Handbook.

Hyrox Doubles Rules 

Competing as a Team 

The Hyrox doubles events revolve around teamwork and strategy. This makes Hyrox Doubles a more dynamic and fun way to compete in the competition! In these events, you and your partner will take on the same challenge, but you will share the workload and work together for every station.

Here’s how it works: 

  • Each team of two will complete the eight rounds of running and functional exercises.

  • You and your partner can take turns completing the exercises. 

For example, you may decide to take on more of the running stations while your partner tackles the functional exercises that rely more on muscular strength and endurance. The aim is to understand and utilise each other’s strengths while keeping the teamwork momentum alive.

Here are some key Hyrox doubles rules: (source: DOUBLES_RULEBOOK_EN_SEASON 22:23 (hyrox.com))



Complete All Stations

Competitors must finish all stations, totalling 8 km of running and 8 functional workouts.

Order of Stations

Each station must be completed in order.

Running Requirement

Both participants must complete the 8 km run.

Collaborative Workouts

Functional workouts can be done collaboratively, with reps divided as preferred.

Rep Distribution 

Team members decide how many reps each will perform. The station is completed once all reps are finished. 

Running Together

Team members must run together for the entire 1,000 m distance. A 3-minute penalty applies if one runs significantly faster than the other. 

Starting Workouts

Both team members must be present to start the functional exercise stations and must enter the workout station together.

Hyrox Relay Rules

The Hyrox relay competition consists of a team of four competitors, who will each take turns to complete one of the eight workout stations. This is, of course, in addition to a 1 km run. 

The structure of the relay is simple: 

  • One team member will finish their workout circuit

  • Each team member tags the next member to continue until completion.

Here are some key Hyrox Relay Rules: (source: RELAY_RULEBOOK_EN_23:24 (hyrox.com)



Team Composition

Hyrox relay team is made up of 4 participants, which can be made up of 2 males, 2 females, or a mix. 

Participant Roles

Each team member must carry out 2 runs and 2 workout stations. These can be carried out consecutively or members can return to the relay at a different point,

Workout Stations

All teams must complete the 8 workout stations in the order they are designed. 

Exercise Standards

All exercises must follow movement standards, starting and finishing points, and with an accurate number of reps. 

Running Course 

The running distance is 1,000 metres - laps may be split depending on the venue size and structure. 

Transition Zone

Only one team member in the TZ at a time.

Exchange Protocol

After completing a workout, the team member will tap the next team member on the shoulder to signal the exchange to start. 

Hyrox Ski Erg Rules 

The Hyrox Ski Erg is a challenging station of the Hyrox Competition, which will test your endurance as well as upper body strength. Athletes must be able to follow specific rules to ensure fair and accurate results. (source: SINGLE_RULEBOOK_EN_23:24 (hyrox.com)



Monitor Reset

Before starting the exercise, a referee must reset the monitor.

Feet Position

All athletes must keep their feet on the SkiErg platform throughout the exercise. Lifting the feet during motion is permitted.

Distance Verification

Upon completing the required distance, the athlete should raise an arm to signal a referee for distance verification. 

Exiting Platform

Athletes may only leave the platform and station after receiving confirmation of completion from the referee.

Penalty of Violations

Any violation of these rules will result in a time penalty issued by the Head Judge, with the penalty duration depending on the specific violation.

Hyrox Sled Push Rules 

The Sled Push is a dynamic exercise that will demand power and strategic pacing from competitors. Following the rules is essential to ensure a smooth performance and avoid penalties as well as injuries.



Starting Position

Both the sled and the athlete must be behind the starting line.

Direction Change

The sled must be across the 12.5-metre mark before the athlete can change direction.

Completion Criteria 

The station is complete once the athlete has pushed the sled for 4x 12.5 metres and the sled is across the final line. 

Penalty of Incomplete Lanes

If fewer than four lanes are completed, a penalty of 3 minutes per lane may be issued.

(source: SINGLE_RULEBOOK_EN_23:24 (hyrox.com)

Hyrox Sled Pull

The sled pull is designed to put your upper body strength and grip to the test. This station requires muscular power and a robust understanding of weight management, hence the importance of following the rules to avoid injury or penalty.



Starting Position

Athletes and equipment must be behind the starting line before beginning. 

Direction Change

After pulling the sled past the 12.5 - metre mark, the athlete will switch sides and pull the sled backward.

Standing Position

Competitors must remain standing while pulling the equipment, and pulling while sitting or kneeling is not allowed.

Athlete’s Box

Participants must stay within the athlete’s box and not overstep the lines while pulling the sled.

Rope Management

Must ensure ropes stay within a designated lane and does not block the other lanes.

Completion Criteria 

The station is complete once the participant has pulled the sled for 4x 12.5 metre and the entire sled crosses the finish line. 


If the sled pull is violated, the athlete will receive a penalty and the pull 

Penalty for Incomplete Lanes

If participants fail to complete 4 lanes, a 3-minute per lane penalty will be applied. 

(source:SINGLE_RULEBOOK_EN_23:24 (hyrox.com))

Hyrox Burpee Broad Jump Rules 

The burpee broad jump is a challenging lower-body exercise that is designed to test your explosive power and stamina. Here’s what to know so you can nail it: (source: https://hyrox.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/RELAY_RULEBOOK_EN_23_24.pdf)



Starting Position

Hands must be placed behind the starting line, close to the feet. Hands must stay in place once on the ground. 

Chest Touch

Ensure your chest clearly touches the ground. 

Jump Forward

Stand up and jump forward with both feet leaving and landing simultaneously. No shuffled steps are allowed. 

Feet Position

When jumping or stepping back up, feet must not pass fingertips. 

Jump Length 

The distance of each broad jump is up to the participant.

No Forward Steps

Do not take any steps forward between reps. 

Finish Line

The station is complete when you jump across the finish line.


Violating any rule makes the rep invalid. A second warning results in a 5m distance penalty. 

Hyrox Rowing Rules 

The rowing station is a critical test of cardiovascular endurance and strength. Having the correct form is essential for carrying out this station while avoiding penalties and injuries. 



Mintor Setup

A referee must reset the rowing monitor before workout begins. 

Foot Placement

Feet must be secured in the rower’s foot holders before holding the handles. Feet must be kept there throughout the exercise. 

Distance Verification

Upon reaching the required distance, participants must raise an arm to signal a referee for confirmation.

Exiting the Station

Participants can only leave the platform and proceed to the next station after receiving the referee’s confirmation.

Penalties for Violations

Penalties may be given by the Head Judge if participants violate any rowing rules.

(source: SINGLE_RULEBOOK_EN_23:24 (hyrox.com))

Hyrox Farmers Carry Rules 

The Farmers Carry is all about strength and muscular endurance. Mastering this station is about maintaining a proper form and being able to progress steadily at a pace that aligns with your fitness ability. Like any Hyrox exercise, there are rules in place to follow to ensure the safety of yourself and others, as well as a fair competitive field for participants. 



Start and Finish

Begin and end by removing/returning kettlebells to the marked area next to the start and finish lines. 

Carry Technique 

Carry both kettlebells with arms extended by your sides.


Kettlebells can be put down in the event of resting, as long as they do not move forward. 


Finish by carrying the kettlebells across the finish line and returning them to the correct area - which will be marked. 


Violating any rules results in a time penalty issued by the Head Judge, based on the severity.

(source: SINGLE_RULEBOOK_EN_23:24 (hyrox.com))

Hyrox Sandbag Lunge Rules

The sandbag lunge is a demanding exercise that tests your lower body strength, the endurance of your core muscles and your bodily coordination. Using the correct technique is vital to completing this station safely. 



Sandbag Setup

Participant must be able to lift the sandbag and place it across their shoulders.

Starting Position

Both feet must be behind the starting line. 

Lunge Form

While performing the lunge, the participant's knee must touch the ground and each rep must end with straight knees and hips. 

Alternating Lunges

Lunges must alternate, with different knees touching the ground in succession. 

Repetition Method

Participants can choose to lunge continuously or pause with both feet parallel after each move. 

Movement Restrictions

No steps or shuffles are allowed between lunges. 

Completion Criteria 

The station is complete once the athlete lunges across the finish line and returns to the designated area. 

Penalties for Violations

Violating any rule makes the rep invalid.

Sandbag Position

Sandbag must stay on both shoulders throughout the station.

(source SINGLE_RULEBOOK_EN_23:24 (hyrox.com))

Hyrox Wall Ball Rules

The Hyrox wall ball exercise is primarily a test of the athlete’s endurance. It will also test your coordination while combining the strength required for squatting and throwing.



Starting Position

Begin standing properly with the wall ball in both hands.

Target Accuracy 

Each throw must hit the designated target.

Ball Handling

After the target is hit, the participant must either catch the ball to repeat or allow the ball to fall to the ground before they repeat the movement. 

Squat Depth

Hips must drop below the knees.

Squat Verification

A box may be used at the referee’s discretion to clarify proper squat depth and form have been achieved.

Penalties for Violations

Any rule violation will result in the rep being invalid. 

(Source: SINGLE_RULEBOOK_EN_23:24 (hyrox.com))

Scoring and Timing

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how scoring and timing work in the Hyrox competition. 

How Scoring Works 

Hyrox is big on speed and strength, and your final score is ultimately a combination of your total time to complete the race if you are multiple competitors or your solo time to completion. 

Every station is timed including the running intervals, and your goal is to perform as fast as you can. The faster you finish, the higher your score will be. Seems easy enough, right? But, you must ensure you are carrying out each station correctly under the rules and guidelines put in place. Fatigue can easily cause you to perform a station incorrectly causing a penalty affecting your overall score! 

Frequently Asked Questions: Hyrox Rules 

What happens if I don’t complete an exercise correctly?

If you fail to complete an exercise or don’t comply with the rules of the exercise correctly, you will receive a penalty that will have an effect on your overall time. The rules and standards are in place to keep the competition moving efficiently.

How are penalties enforced in Hyrox competitions?

Penalties are usually time-based and will be enforced in the event of exercises not being correctly performed, reps being skipped or participants not completing reps. The Head Judge will be in charge of the penalty enforcement. 

What should I bring to a Hyrox competition?

It is important to be prepared leading up to the event. You should make sure you have athletic wear that is breathable and comfortable, adequate running shoes, and any other additional items such as water bottles. Specific exercise and station equipment will be provided on the day at the venue. 

Wrapping Up Your Hyrox Journey 

For more information on how to prepare to tackle the Hyrox competition, find a gym near you to get started or check out our gym page for training tips and resources. Don’t forget to take advantage of Village Gym’s partnership with Hyrox, which offers exclusive training and facilities to help you get competition-ready. 

Ready to join the Hyrox community? Sign up now on our membership page and start your journey toward becoming a Hyrox champion!


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