Maintaining and Sustaining Peak Performance

So, you’ve put the graft in. You’ve fought, sweated, battled and endured to become that determined go-getter who is fierce enough to ‘release the beast’ from within and tough enough to ruthlessly smash straight through barriers to achieve your goal! Yes! But now what?...

Before anything else, take a moment. Step back and soak in this feeling of achievement. Breathe in, stop, and capture this second right here, right now. As each sense heightens, breathe out.. and start to realise just how awesome you actually are.
Maintaining your peak physical performance is just as important as reaching it and so to help sustain this level, prioritising sleep is a must. Make this your number one priority. Aim for about 7-8 hours per night and on the odd occasion that you struggle to get to sleep, consider a 20-30 post-workout nap to help recharge. After all, who doesn’t love a good cat nap? Wearing an electronic device that monitors your sleep patterns can assist you in analysing and optimising your sleep.

Surprise your body, don’t be afraid to shake things up. If you're always in the gym, get outside! There are lots of alternatives to cardio if you’re becoming accustomed to the same regime. Try beach sprints, cycling, or even rollerblading instead of pounding the treadmill! A change in environment can even boost motivation and reduce the risk of repetitive injuries. Incorporating different types of exercises into your sessions can prevent you becoming bored and can also ensure a wider range of muscle groups are worked.

Keep your body fueled with a varied, nutritional diet, and remember to always stay hydrated. You wouldn’t risk driving your car with no petrol in would you, so why do the same to your body before hitting a vigorous workout?

Embrace rest days! Now, this is so hard to promote, especially when training becomes a huge part of everyday life. Trust me, feeling “guilty” about the amount of rest days you take is all too familiar, but remember to listen to your body. Consistent training without adequate rest can actually decrease performance.  If you need to, consider active recovery sessions involving low intensity exercises, which can actually help with blood circulation and muscle soreness.

Focus on your mental health, always! Try to include meditation sessions or yoga where possible so that you're not constantly training just the physical. Use this time to relax, reduce stress and enhance concentration. All-round balance is key here.

MyZone it! Consistently!  Wear your device to monitor your heart rate and track your physical activity. Having this tool can help push you daily and maintain your peak performance as it's a consistent visual aid. Your only competition is you, so use this tool to sustain your progress.

Stay educated, there are so many platforms available all around us… Village Advance for example!  Utilise them to keep your training knowledge at its peak too, not just your body. And finally, as always, have fun with it. If training is enjoyable, is it even training?


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