The best classes to tackle during menopause...

Exercise is key during menopause, and even if you haven’t reached that stage in life yet, it’s always handy to familiarise yourself with tips on the subject so you feel more comfortable when it does hit.

It’s no secret that weight gain is one of the biggest concerns for menopausal women, especially with the decrease in oestrogen levels during this time, resulting in more fat being stored around the midsection, and less around the thighs and bottom! 
But it isn’t just our hormones that are to blame for this… as we age, we generally become less active due to our bodies naturally slowing down, but it doesn’t have to be this way! Rather than looking at it as though the symptoms of the menopause are barriers to exercise, see it as a challenge to show your body who’s boss!

So, which classes would we benefit from taking in the gym during menopause to help with this?

Well, we need to get in the mindset of focusing on muscle gain over fat loss. 
Losing muscle as we age (sarcopenia) doesn't just impact our appearance, it has a huge effect on our health, mobility, and even longevity. It can reduce our strength and mobility and has a massive impact on our bone density.
Muscle and bone are interconnected so weight-bearing exercises that build muscle will also help improve bone density too!  Science bit: This is crucial for preventing osteoporosis.

With this in mind, now’s the time to submit to your alter egos and unleash three of them to help you power through the mighty menopause!!

1: Weightlifting Warrior!

Become a master of the weights by getting involved in classes such as Body Pump and Grit strength! These full body strength-building workouts will help you target all major muscle groups, tone you up, increase strength, improve metabolism and burn calories long after you workout!

Now, this is not to say you shouldn’t do any cardio at all during the menopause. In fact, cardiovascular activities are highly effective mood boosting sources! And with the dreaded mood swings affecting the majority of us in our menopausal stages, cardio can actually become a positive factor in helping to stabilise our moods. Bonus!

So, become an:

2: Aerobic Angel!

Submerge yourself in moderate aerobic exercise classes such as Bodystep, Spin and Zumba! - These workouts will increase our heart rate and also promote the release of endorphins, helping to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

It’s also really important to maintain your balance as you get older, this is because it can reduce your risk of falls, and even increase your chance of living longer. Balance and mobility can sometimes decline during the menopause because of a loss of muscle mass.

So finally, don’t forget to release your:

3: Balance Babe!

Holistic classes integrate physical movement with mental focus, promoting relaxation and stress relief, which can help regulate your breathing and improve flexibility.
This can be particularly beneficial for managing menopause symptoms like hot flashes and sleep disturbances​. Ahh, perfect!

Try Yoga, Body Balance, and Tai chi to help regulate night sweats and insomnia… it’s mind over matter, we’ve got this!


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