Top 10 tips for achieving High Performance in sport

Achieving high performance in sport requires a combination of several key aspects including physical training, mental preparation, nutrition, rest and recovery. Here are my top 10 tips to help you achieve peak performance in your sport.

Set SMART goals

In order to achieve elite performance clear, specific and achievable goals are imperative. Write the goals down, define the short and long term goals to stay focused, motivated and accountable.


Consistent training is essential for improvement and progression. A structured, periodised training program that includes strength training, cardiovascular exercise and skill specific drills will go a long way to achieving peak performance.

Mental preparation

Working on your mental game is just as important as physical training. Visualisation, goal setting and relaxation are all great tools to improve focus, confidence and nerve at the highest level.


Fueling your body with the right nutrients to support your energy for training along with recovery is imperative. A balanced diet rich in lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats along with plenty of fruit and vegetables can have an amazing effect on your performance.

Stay hydrated

Dehydration will have a hugely negative effect impairing performance and recovery. Ensure you are drinking plenty of water before, during and after exercise to stay hydrated.


Rest can be just as important as physical training. Enough rest is essential for recovery and enhancing performance. Making sure you get enough sleep and incorporating rest days into your training program will help achieve your peak performance.

Listen to your body

If your body is showing signs of fatigue, overtraining or even injury ensure you are resting when needed to allow the mind and body to repair and recover. If you are experiencing persistent pain, fatigue or discomfort ensure you seek help from a healthcare professional.


Focusing on technique is essential for maximising performance. Correct technique will also help to reduce the risk of injury. Working with a coach can help to refine and improve your skills, correcting and issues with form.

Stay positive and motivated

A positive attitude can have a huge impact on staying motivated during challenges or setbacks. Try to surround yourself with likeminded people that will encourage you to hit your peak.

Don’t be afraid to adjust

Review your progress, performance and training program regularly. Adjusting your goals, techniques and skills can have a positive impact on performance and help you reach full potential.

The above tips will help you improve performance and achieve success but in order to reach that peak performance you need…



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