HYROX and CrossFit are both intense fitness programs, but they have distinct differences in structure, goals, and approach to training. Here's a breakdown of the key differences:

What is CrossFit?

A high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program that combines functional movements with strength-building conditioning. It's designed to improve strength, stamina, and speed by mixing weightlifting, cardio, and bodyweight exercises to help you build all-around fitness. The idea is to improve a little bit of everything for the ultimate workout. 

The workouts are typically short but super intense, challenging you to push yourself hard in a short amount of time. Every day, CrossFit gyms (called "boxes") post a Workout of the Day (WOD) that everyone follows. The workouts change daily, so you're always doing something different.You work out with others, adding in a supportive vibe. And don’t worry if you're new or not at a certain fitness level - everything is scalable to meet you where you are!

What is HYROX?

HYROX is more specialized, structured around a standardized race format. HYROX is labelled as ‘The ultimate Fitness Race’ and it is exactly that. Fitness racing brings  a whole new concept to the table and rather than workout out for fun/other personal reasons, it also gives people a goal to work towards, especially if you’re super competitive! Although despite that, HYROX isn’t about winning for most, it is a community and all about participation. They are encouraging people, old and new to fitness racing, to get involved worldwide and see just how far they can go, and to beat it the next time around! Every Hyrox event follows the same format, so you can easily track your progress over time.


The race is set up to involve 8 stations, all targeting different parts of the body. Between each station, you will also run 1KM each time, adding up to 8KM in total for the race. It is not for the faint hearted and really aims to set those who train for strength, stamina, endurance and all around grit, from the rest. There are different divisions of racing, so those who are less experienced, or simply just there for a laugh, can join as part of a pair or a team - making the workload less gruelling. 


The Goal: Hyrox is goal-specific, designed for athletes who want to test their endurance and functional strength in a set race format. The emphasis is on finishing fast, with clear metrics to track improvements.
Cross fit is more functional, focusing on movements you will use in your daily life like squatting, lifting, and pushing. It is all about becoming well-rounded in various fitness domains.

Community: Both are extremely strong in their community vibe and support of one another. The main difference being the goal. CrossFit are focused on working as a group to achieve the ideal all-rounded fitness physique, whereas HYROX competitors will train and cheer each other on, but still be in a competition with one another for that extra push at the time of the race.

Training: A CrossFit class is a one-hour group session led by a coach. HYROX does not have a specified training regime, as it allows people to train on their own and ideally work on their weakest element of the race…can’t quite make that 8km run? Work on that first and foremost. It gives people the freedom to make their training unique to them, and doesn’t mean you have to attend certain classes to do it, although they do really help.

HYROX have specified Training Clubs (one now being us, i know right!). These clubs will help you set your focus and give you the correct tools to smash your race if you need a bit more guidance, or just simply want to see some of your fellow #HYROXFAMILY. 

If you want to get involved or read a little more on how you can HYROX, head here



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