Eating for a better period!

Painful period? Feeling crampy, sluggish or constipated? Urgh, us too!
So what can we do to help reduce these symptoms and glide through our time of the month like a beautiful swan drifting effortlessly over the surface of a lake? Well, ok, with a bit more ease at least?...

Hate to admit it, but we need to be eating foods that work with our ever changing hormones, and not just reaching for the ice-cream in a quick attempt to feel comfort, only for that short lived satisfaction to then be followed by a whooping big crash!

Nutrition is crucial to fueling our bodies in the right way, and a healthy diet can help support a healthy Menstrual cycle by providing the nutrients our body needs to produce the right amount of hormones. It’s all about the balance!

Weight gain during your period is super common, but it’s usually not permanent. Wahoo!
A lot of it is water retention due to hormonal shifts, and feeling a bit bloated. 
Your body holds on to water, especially in the luteal phase, but this weight tends to disappear once your period ends. So, no need to stress out too much – it’s not true weight gain!  

With this in mind, let’s take a look at the different stages of the Menstrual Cycle and what foods we should be eating throughout to help regulate hormone balance...


Phase 1: Menstrual phase (1-5 days)

Think of this as your ‘recovery stage’. Your Oestrogen and progesterone levels drop here due to getting your period and so Iron needs to be your bestie right now!

We need to be replenishing lost nutrients and reaching for foods with anti-inflammatory properties. So with this in mind, let's have a look at what food will help us during this stage…

Consuming Iron rich foods such as lean red meats, poultry and fish will help reduce cramping, and foods high in Vitamin C will enhance iron absorption - so be sure to stock up on citrus fruit, strawberries, bell peppers and tomatoes too, as this duo of food groups work perfectly together!

Dark leafy greens, nuts, seeds and bananas contain magnesium, which helps with muscle relaxation, and eating B vitamins, like eggs and wholegrains will boost energy levels as well!

Tip: Try to avoid tea and coffee around meal times, give it an hour or so either side as they counteract the great job that the Vitamin C-rich foods do! 

Extra tip!: If your digestive system does slow down here, try snacking on dates for added fibre and a natural laxative effect… You're welcome!


Phase 2: Follicular phase (Day 6-14)

Energy levels will be on the rise here so it’s important to load up on colourful foods and carbs!

Our oestrogen levels build back up in this phase as it is preparing the body for ovulation. So to help your body metabolise, focus on consuming complex carbohydrates and healthy fats in particular as they help to fuel us!

Complex carbohydrates, such as wholegrains, oats, legumes, lentils, potatoes and cereals provide sustained energy and also support our serotonin production, which will enhance moods AND reduce PMS symptoms! Now I know what you’re thinking, “that’s the best excuse I’ve ever heard to eat carbs!” right?

Eating healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, salmon and mackerel support hormone production, whilst fruit and veg, such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage will assist in the anti-inflammatory process. Bonus!


Phase 3: Ovulation phase (Day 14)

Time to feel your best! Oestrogen levels are at its highest here and so our mood tends to be good and our energy levels high!

Keep the nutrition light and balanced in this phase with antitoxin foods, such as berries, colourful vegetables and green tea as they support our overall health.

Essential fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, chia seeds and walnuts will support hormone balance, and fibre (quinoa, barley, brown pasta and rice) will help regulate water retention.

Tip: This is the time of the month where you are most fertile and if you are looking to encourage a pregnancy, it is important to add folic acid supplements to your diet as it has been associated with reduced risk of foetal neural tube defects and higher rates of implantation.


Phase 4: Luteal phase (Day 15-28)

Craving more carbs here and struggling to sleep? Don’t worry, it’s normal! 
Science bit: This is because our oestrogen levels are lower here compared to progesterone levels.

During this stage, we need to make sure we are consuming protein with every meal and making sure we snack to help reduce hunger levels.

Eating lean meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy and soy products are essential in this phase, as well as tryptophan-rich foods, such as turkey, skimmed milk and pumpkin seeds. This is because these foods will boost serotonin to help improve our moods. They also play a factor in helping to enhance our sleep!

Fibre-rich foods and B vitamins such as chickpeas and whole grains support digestion,
regulate blood sugar levels, reduce bloating and alleviate PMS symptoms.

Essential Fatty acids are needed here too, as our carbohydrate oxidation is lower, so be sure to stock up on sunflower seeds, nuts and avocados!

And finally, Magnesium-rich foods such as tuna, yoghurt and dark chocolate will help to relax our muscles and ease menstrual cramps as the cycle starts all over again…


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