What is Hyrox? An Ultimate Guide to the Fitness Competition

What is a Hyrox Event?

Overview of Hyrox Events

The Hyrox event is a fitness competition, with a unique edge. It pushes participants to test their overall fitness, while simultaneously testing their mental and emotional strength. It’s a challenging, yet hugely rewarding competition to be part of. As previously mentioned, the structure consists of one functional workout and includes a 1 km run, which will be repeated eight times. You can read our guide on the rules for each Hyrox exercise

Hyrox events currently dominate the fitness industry, due to the inclusivity that it offers participants. The target audience is not a “one size fits all”. Hyrox appeals to experienced athletes and fitness enthusiasts, as well as participants who are just beginning their fitness journey. It’s a community that makes space for everyone, where no one is left behind. Since the beginning, the competition has seen athletes push themselves to limits like never before, and beginners finding a love for fitness and a passion for health and well-being.

History of Hyrox 

The global fitness competition was founded by Moritz Fürste, an Olympic hockey champion, and Christian Toetzke in Germany, in 2017. They came together with the idea of creating a fitness event that could be accessible, as well as original. It has since evolved into a global event that continues to attract various types of participants from all over the world. The ever-growing level of hype around Hyrox is a true testament to the demand for fitness competitions and events that push people in a way that is positive, encouraging, and disciplined. (Source - The History | HYROX)

What is a Hyrox Competition? 

Hyrox Competition Structure 

The competition aims to get participants excited about the challenge, and mentally ready to take on the task. Every event begins with an opening ceremony, the purpose of which is to get everyone motivated! The structure of the eight rounds is designed to showcase variety and keep things interesting. 

Levels of Competition 

Whether you find yourself at the starting line of your fitness journey, or you’re looking for the ultimate test, Hyrox always has a place for you; 

  • Beginner: For those beginning their journey to Hyrox or fitness in general. Every participant is welcome and encouraged to make the jump to a healthier lifestyle!

  • Intermediate: People who have some experience with fitness, but looking for a more disciplined push to better themselves. 

  • Elite: Where experienced athletes compete for the best records, eager to take on a challenge amongst those in the same league as themselves. 

Demographics of Hyrox 

Inclusivity and diversity are among the most important stand-out features of the Hyrox brand. You can expect to see people from all age groups, backgrounds, and fitness levels. The diversity keeps the community different, fun, and most of all, a place where everyone feels that they can belong. Whether you’re attending with the notion of breaking a new global record, or perhaps just looking to have fun, there’s a spot for you at the Hyrox Competition!

What are the Hyrox Exercises and What Do They Entail?

Hyrox is passionate about variety and pushing the limits by incorporating a range of functional exercises and running. Here is a list of the exercises you can expect:

  • Ski Erg

  • Sled Push 

  • Sled Pull

  • Burpee Broad Jump 

  • Rowing 

  • Farmers Carry 

  • Sandbag Lunges

  • Wall Balls


Training for Hyrox 

It’s crucial to prepare a Hyrox training program (insert internal link to blog #2) in order to train your mind and body for the challenge ahead. Here are some tips relating to the exercises above: 

  • Ski Erg: It’s important to start with a steady pace and posture. This exercise tests your endurance, so it’s vital to practise it in realistic intervals for your fitness level. 

  • Sled Push & Pull: Over time, you can begin to increase the weight in order to build your strength. It’s advised you do this in short bursts to avoid overtraining. 

  • Burpee Broad Jump: The best method of practice for the burpee broad jump is to practise your ability to carry out normal burpees. Once you are confident, you can add the broad jump. This exercise is going to test your power, and this takes time to build. 

  • Rowing: A lot of this exercise is about technique. Practice makes perfect here, and ensure you are using your muscle groups correctly e.g. core, legs, arms. Stamina will build over time and you can increase your distance to reflect this. 

  • Farmers Carry: Similar to the sled push & pull, it’s important to start with weights that work for you to avoid injury. You can increase the weight over time, as well as continuously improving your posture. 

  • Sandbag Lunges: For beginners, you should begin by practising normal lunges and perfecting your technique and posture. Then, you can add the sandbag to improve your leg strength. 

  • Wall Balls: Technique and rhythm is important for this movement. Start with a light-weighted ball and practise the repetitiveness of the exercise before increasing the ball weight. 

By incorporating these workouts into your weekly regime, along with consistent running, you will be on the road to success at the Hyrox Competition. Not to mention, your confidence will shine through with each passing week, so keep going! 

The Main rules of Hyrox 

Having a full understanding of the rules that are in place at Hyrox is important for any participant. This is to ensure the safety of those attending, as well as keeping the event running efficiently. You can check out our comprehensive Hyrox Rules blog for more detailed rules on each station. 

Here is a short breakdown of the main rules of Hyrox:

  • Complete 8 rounds: Each round will consist of a 1 km run and a functional workout.

  • Follow the Order: Participants must complete the stations in the specified order. 

  • Timing: Each station/exercise has a set time to keep the competition moving efficiently.

  • Proper Form: Participants must maintain the correct form when carrying out each exercise, otherwise penalties may be imposed. 

  • Teamwork: During the team events at Hyrox, only ONE team member will work at a time. 

  • Safety: Ensure you are listening to event staff and have an understanding of the safety guidelines to avoid injury. 

  • Have Fun: Be sure to enjoy yourself! Cheer on other participants and believe in yourself. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What should I wear to a Hyrox Event?

It’s important to put your comfort first during a challenge like Hyrox. Some participants choose to wear branded Hyrox clothing - which is always welcome! However, this isn’t necessary and it’s your choice to wear clothing/footwear you feel comfortable in. 

Things to keep in mind: 

  • Comfortable clothing

  • Suitable running shoes 

  • Compression clothing 

How can I prepare for my first Hyrox competition?

There are a number of ways you can prepare for your first event. It’s important to find a routine and structure that works for you and works around your lifestyle. Here are some tips:

  • Train Regularly 

  • Focus on Technique 

  • Build Strength & Endurance 

  • Eat a Balanced Diet & Stay Hydrated

  • Schedule in Regular Rest Days 

  • Join the Hyrox Community to connect with others 

What are the different categories in a Hyrox competition?

  • Open: This category is ideal for those new to Hyrox and beginning their fitness journey. 

  • Pro: For those more experienced and confident using heavier weights, as well as high-intensity workout routines.

  • Doubles: This category consists of teams of two which means each member will share and complete the exercises together. 

  • Age Groups: To ensure completely fair competition for those taking part, the categories will be organised by age group.

Get ready for Hyrox!

As a proud Hyrox Gym Partner, Village Gym can kickstart your journey to joining the #HYROXFAMILY. Find a gym near you, and get ready to take on the challenge. You will have access to state-of-the-art equipment and facilities whilse you complete your Hyrox training. We are committed to providing the best support to our members whilst they achieve their goals.

Sign up for our gym memberships and explore the options we have available. There is a plan for everyone, so get started on your fitness journey today! 


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